Our product ranges

Regardless of the sector of activity (healthcare, communities, industry, catering, cleaning companies), we have a range that is tailored to your expectations and challenges.

Our solutions

Satisfying you through tailored solutions and high-performing, innovative products.

Our company

A major player in the distribution of hygiene equipment, we offer our customers over 2,000 references in 8 major product families.

Carts Floors Glass Surfaces Handles Brushes Pure Water Cleaning Avenir range Waste collectors Ergonomic & innovative equipment K2: a comprehensive, integrated cleaning solution Recycling of your products Avenir range EFC range Solar Panel Washing About us Our team Environmental commitment
EFC range

EFC range

Economy of Functionality and Cooperation

Manufacturing equipment using virgin materials poses a sustainability problem for our activities. Material resources are finite and valuable.

In order to reduce our material consumption, GUIALTO would like to offer its customers high-quality second-hand equipment at very competitive prices.

These materials would be inspected and cleaned to ensure the same level of performance and satisfaction as new equipment. The lifespan of the equipment would be significantly extended, reducing the material impact of each use.

If you would like to find out about our distributor partners who offer these services throughout France, contact-us!

If you are interested in this approach, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be delighted to discuss it with you.

All solutions

Satisfying you through tailored solutions and high-performing, innovative products.